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  • Writer's pictureDe’Andrea Cherry

The Platform

31 Days of Spooky - Day 2

So this movie was...different and I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about it. "The Platform" is a Spanish movie that focuses on social commentary that'll make you raise an eyebrow or two. Initially, the premise reminded me a lot of "Next Level Chef" if you've seen that show before, but it gets way more bloody and way more violent. Essentially there is a vertical prison called "The Hole," and a platform with food descending through the levels daily but the people up higher get to feast while the ones down below are left scavenging for crumbs. It's like a twisted social experiment.

The film is grimy, dark, and a bit claustrophobic. The performances are solid, especially Ivan Massagué as Goreng, who you'll watch go from naive to completely jaded. The movie is brutal and graphic, but it doesn't make up for some confusing plot holes and questionable story progression.

In the end, "The Platform" is a wild ride. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you're up for a twisted social thriller that pulls no punches, give it a shot. Overall Rating: 5.9 Rewatchability: probably not.

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