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  • Writer's pictureDe’Andrea Cherry

Angel Numbers

Whether you care about them or not, you've seen Angel Numbers everywhere; many appear repeatedly in different contexts, such as on clocks, license plates, or phone numbers. The repetition in these sequences of numbers is something we as humans have been programmed to see on a daily basis. Not because there's a real meaning behind these numbers, but because at one point in time, noticing patterns could separate us from life or death.

Luckily for most of us, we don't actively need to search for paw prints in the soil anymore; signifying predators to be avoided. Nowadays, these sequences of numbers are believed to carry spiritual and symbolic meaning, often interpreted as messages from "angels" or "spiritual guides". These numbers are thought to represent a unique message or guidance from the divine. People who believe in angel numbers often use them as a tool for spiritual guidance and to gain insight into their life path and purpose. Just like tarot cards and other forms of divination & numerology, these tools are great for self-reflection and mindfulness, whether you truly believe in it or not and this may be due to a thing called apophenia.

Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. For example, seeing a face in a cloud formation, Jesus on a slice of toast, or hearing a message in white noise can be considered examples of apophenia. "Even when it does work out, pattern recognition is an extremely important part of life. Not just for things like spotting when food has gone off, or whether a particular expression from some guy at a bar is likely to lead to a smooch or a punch in the face – it’s also what underpins modern computing and AI. It even forms the basis of our bodies’ immune responses." (See What are Angel Numbers)

In the context of angel numbers, some skeptics argue that the perception of meaningful sequences of numbers is simply a result of apophenia - the brain's tendency to find patterns in random data. However, believers in angel numbers argue that the repetition of certain numbers is too significant to be a mere coincidence and that the patterns are truly meaningful. In the end, it's up to you and your own beliefs on how you want to interpret these numbers.

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